Fibre cement siding are very popular. They can be bought in a number of textures, styles and designs. The popular trends in the fibre cement siding:
1. Shingle fibre cement siding can be bought in a number of forms and shapes you can try the quality James Hardie fibre cement. They are very popular because they can be bought in the form of separate shakes. It consists of the foot strips that are rich in wood grain and vary in number being 4, 8 or12. Some of them are hand split. Depending upon the structure of the construction and the building the buyers can choose either straight or the staggered siding. These kinds of siding can also be bought between 2 to 8 dollars. The size is also up to your choice. The siding can be painted after buying or you can get the one that is painted at the factory.
2. Sheet sidings are bought in the form of large sheets. They have a safe measurement of 5/16 inches. They also come in a number of varieties. They are very reasonable as compared to the earlier as the maximum price is just 3.50 dollars. They look great at the exterior. Customization is not very difficult either.
3. Lap siding or the clapboard are easy to handle. They are bough per square foot and can be bight at just 1.6 dollars per square foot. The buyers do not find it very complicated. From installation to the maintenance, everything is very easy to handle. Their thickness varies from 5/6 to 5/8 inches. They can be bought in three major textures that is smooth, wood grained and the saw finished. These sidings are compatible with all kinds of structures and weather conditions.
4. Stucco siding is popularly known as the brick cement siding. People who love renovations and want to keep adding difference to their interior it is a great option. Customize the look by choosing the colors, shapes and textures. It is even easier to deal with at the personal level. You can do it without any professional assistance. You can enjoy having it as it is least impacted by the weather and other conditions. It does not even crack easily. Their size also greatly varies.
These are the common types of the fibre cement siding. People enjoy all these kinds. They try to get the one that is really fulfilling the needs. If you have bought the siding with the assistance of the expert then there is least chance of any damage or loss. It would be more of an investment. You would love the look it would add to the premises. It can be chosen as a simple and as a complex structure both.